Genesis Kit Migration Processes


Migration Processes are specific, technical notes, authored by the Genesis Core Team and Genesis Kit Authors, to provide information on performing data and configuration migrations from one version of a kit to another.

These processes are not easily automated, and are best served via documentation. In some cases, these processes are required to properly migrate without data loss. Sometimes they are merely advisory.

Each migration process is given a unique identification, indicating which Genesis Kit it applies to. Migration Process numbers will not be intentionally reused. Indeed, they are intended to be used in reference documentation (like Github release notes).

Genesis/All Kits

GMP-GEN-0001 - Environment File genesis Block Required in v2.7.x

Though introduced in v2.6.x, the genesis block in the environment files is now the primary source of all things not kit related, and will be required in a future 2.7.x release. For now, continued use of params-based values that have been moved to the genesis block will ellicit a warning.

Note: Not ALL values are being moved out of the params block, just specific values.

Read the full details in GMP-GEN-0001 - Environment File genesis Block Required


The following migration processes apply to the Genesis BOSH Kit, for deploying a BOSH director.

GMP-BOSH-0001 - BPM Release Collision

If the BOSH director deploying this BOSH already has bpm 0.12.3 on it, you may run into a collision as this kit attempts to change it to a precompiled release. In that case, the release needs to be manually uploaded.

Read the full details of GMP-BOSH-0001 - BPM Release Collision.

Cloud Foundry

The following migration processes apply to the Genesis CF Kit, for deploying Open Source Cloud Foundry instances.

GMP-CF-0003 - TLS Certificate Refactor in v1.8.0

Cloud Foundry Genesis Kit v1.8.0 refactors the TLS certificates generated by the kit that are used internally to closely approximate those used by cf-deployment v12.5.0. This remaps the CA signing certificate as well as the CN and SANs used by the certificates. As such, the existing certificates need to be rotated.

NEW: Simplified process updated for Genesis v2.7.7+

Read the original full details of GMP-CF-0003 - TLS Certificate Refactor in v1.8.0.

GMP-CF-0002 - Optionally Removing Consul in 1.3

Operators who wish to remove Consul after updating to Genesis CF Kit v1.3 may do so with this Genesis Migration Process. It is completely optional, and does not alter future upgrade paths.

Read the full details of GMP-CF-0002 - Optionally Removing Consul in 1.3.

GMP-CF-0001 - Database Scheme Fix Migration

We recently discovered an issue affecting versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 of the Genesis CF Kit. Locket and Diego were incorrectly configured to place their tables in the postgres database, instead of their dedicated locketdb and diegodb databases.

While this does not affect day-to-day normal operation of Cloud Foundry, we still see this an issue that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

This process must be completed in order to update to version 1.2.0 or newer if your Cloud Foundry environments were deployed with, or updated to the following versions:

Read the full details of GMP-CF-0001 - Database Scheme Fix Migration.


GMP-CONCOURSE-0001 - Concourse 4 Upgrade

Concourse 4 makes some changes to the way auth works, and certain configurations can cause your upgrade/migration to fail.

Read the full details of GMP-CONCOURSE-0001 - Concourse 4 Upgrade.